Mixtape: Summer Williams “Late Night Session”


After three weeks of buzz cuts and accolades, the anticipation is FINALLY over. Summer Williams’ “Late Night Session” is fourteen tracks packed with super sensual lyrics, hyper visual imagery, and the perfect blend of beauty and grit known to the world as “Hip Hop Soul.” Packed with a unique jazz influence, her style harkens back to the days of Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holliday. However where the punch comes in, is her swag…..ohhhhh her swag, brings you back to that time in the early 90’s where you wore those starter snapper caps and timbo boots. The era of Mary J. Blige, SWV, and Lauryn Hill….the era of Hip Hop Soul. This tape is something soothing for the soul, mind AND mind.

You can download the tape on the link below.


  1. Anthony 15 years ago

    yoo…i love this girls voice..it mad sexy. cant wait 2 hear her on the radio one day.

  2. amanda 15 years ago

    omg i love her voice!! how have i never heard of her b4??? love it! she is flyyyy

  3. john 15 years ago

    shytt is fLy i wanna hear more Of heR

  4. laura 15 years ago

    this is love making music right here. im downloading this mixtape asap

  5. Jamie 14 years ago

    Love that song! I went to her blog and found out she will be on Power 105.1 tom. How cool is that?!

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