
Meet Tofo Tofo, a Mozambican kwaito dance group, who are behind the opening dance sequence, and featured in the video of Beyonce’s “Run The World (Girls)”. When the video first premiered I wondered why she choose to have two men in the front of all women dancers and herself, on a record about women. Well, now we know, Bey put them in the video because they created the dance.

The above clip is from a wedding party in 2009, and you can see the similarities back then. Good for them, and good of Bey to give them so much shine. I re-posted the “Run The World” video after the jump so you can compare them now after seeing this. What do you think?

  1. Heart Me 14 years ago

    There’s no difference, its the same, lol. But the video is still amazing! She killed it and so did Tofo Tofo! No one would have known who they were, if it wasn’t for Beyonce`(and youtube) lol! So Everyone wins ; )

  2. kasiology 14 years ago

    hold da fugg up! they created the dance ?! Pantsula dance is a South African style of dance (kinda like poppin & krumpin). It was not created by some mocambiquans. YouTube search or Wiki “pantsula”… Research thoroughly. Proud of them Biqua dudes though

  3. Miss Dee 14 years ago

    Hey guys,
    the dance is not Pantsula, is called tofo tofo.
    Pantsula is from South Africa and Tofu tofu is from Mozambique.

  4. Lunathi 14 years ago

    But its funny how they use a South African song (DJ Cleo) in the Tofu Tofu vid…I think its a South African dance that was adapted in Moz considering they are close by anyways….

  5. Chanel 14 years ago

    just saw the MTV special…they are so cute!!!

  6. Anonymous 14 years ago

    Who gives a damn who created the dance or where it originated?!!They were just having fun dancing and Beyonce happened to see them on youtube. They never made claims they created the dance. They said the kind of dance they were doing was called Tofu Tofu from Mozambique. Obviously, some people have listening problems. Stop Hating…

    I love the video. They Killed It!!

  7. benedito 14 years ago

    this dance actually originated from Mozambican immigrants in South Africa over the years. the original dance is called marrabenta a style which is very popular among Mozambique’s youth in the 70s. the style was blended with South African quito and became pantsula. pantsula which is a careless style popular among street people in Joburg’s inner city. as we know most of them are Mozambican anyway. so South Africa just accept that some of the immigration actally helps!!!

  8. Bekzin 13 years ago

    Hey guys stop fooling your selfs haw..this dance is from SOUTH AFRICA (spansula) . so if iTofu tofu, why are they dancing with Cleo’z(South African) song? come on…get a life matofotofo

  9. michael 13 years ago

    it a rip off ask any jamaican who have been dancing for years and watch some dance hall videos and you will see that , that shit is ours ,

  10. James 13 years ago

    This dancers need to ACKNOWLEDGE in public. That’s what makes the difference. Stop following the moon son, that’s ancient. Mzansi Style all the way. Pantsula is Mzansian bro, okay.

  11. lawrence 13 years ago

    Hey guys,stop hating these tofo tofo dudes know how to dance and got the talent.jus be proud tht they were realised on an int scene and Bey happened to do so.Mozambic big up and SA stay on top of the dances

  12. tshire 13 years ago

    It’s so funny how South African’s think that they are on top of the rest of Africa ha ha. Another country that is America’s b*tch. I’m South African just by the way, so before you even curse me, think about the fact that the Marrabenta-Tofo tofo is of the 70’s and the Pantshula is of the 80’s. Before you do the math, consider the philosophers and researchers who wrote about our own history. Do they originate from Africa? Exactly my point!

    We as Africans have failed to write about our own, we gave a blank cheque to others. Which is quite sad. My take on this, is that, we are the cradle of humankind, all our cultures and traditions are somehow connected through positive energies. Stop fighting each other because of ownership, it is not worth it.Rather, let’s teach the rest of the world about human existence.

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