New Music: Lauryn Hill – Black Rage (Sketch Version) [Dedication to Ferguson]


Lauryn Hill Black Rage 500x500

Artists from Elle Varner and T.I. have released songs dedicated to the civil unrest that has been taking place in Ferguson, MO over the past two weeks, and now Ms. Lauryn Hill has shared an unreleased version of her song “Black Rage,” which she dedicates to the situation.

Lauryn has been performing the originally released version of the song live since 2012, when she debuted it at the Life Is Good / Black Rage tour in Dallas, Texas.

Today, the iconic artist has released a “sketch” version of the song, which she says was recorded in her living room.

“An old sketch of Black Rage, done in my living room. Strange, the course of things. Peace for MO,” wrote Lauryn.

Take a listen, and read the full lyrics below:


1 Comment
  1. mon88 11 years ago


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