Indie: Emerging Artist Charlie Brown Releases Debut Mixtape “M.A.M.O.S. (Me.And.My.Other.Selves.)”



Vienna, Austria is most commonly known for it’s roots in classical music, being the home of many famous composers including Beethoven, but it’s youth are just as immersed in pop culture as the rest of the world. Emerging on the scene and looking to put her city on the map for R&B/Pop is rising artist Charlie Brown.

Making her debut by sharing the varying portions of herself, Brown has released her first full project, the M.A.M.O.S. (Me.And.My.Other.Selves.) mixtape.

The singer-songwriter has a unique character quality in her voice and words. Writing her own lyrics since kindergarten and continuing on through a musical high school, Charlie soon started to develop her own melodies and musical style with influence from the American R&B scene.

Across different sounds and vibes from R&B, Soul, and Hip Hop she shows her process in writing in a variety of styles, and a wide range of creative approaches. Although she enjoys writing and even spitting some rap verses every so often, Brown doesn’t envision herself as a rapper. “It’s rather another lane to express my feelings and stories in a better, somehow ambiguous way. I’m a musician and lyricist. No more, no less.”

Stream Charlie Brown’s debut mixtape below:


For more info follow Charlie on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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