Tank Sings National Anthem, Chris Brown Sits



The drama continues…

On Sunday (Sept. 11), Power 106 held their annual celebrity basketball game in Los Angeles. Inviting R&B powerhouse Tank to kick off the game with the National Anthem, there were a few moments that went down.

With everything happening in sports based on San Francisco 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick protesting the racial injustices in the country, by choosing to sit instead of stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner,” Tank asked the crowd–since it was the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks–of all days, to stand and sing with him.

“I understand everybody’s exercising their right to stand or sit and exercising their right to freedom and justice,” he said. “But in the wake of 9/11, please understand the fact that real men, women, and children lost their lives for this very thing that we’re able to stand for today.”

It was a nice thought and most of the audience joined in. Except Chris Brown (not surprised), who sat on the court with some fellow teammates and basically just made faces at Tank the entire time. He did show his fellow R&B pal some love when Tank hit applause-worthy notes, but that was about it.

So, it was good to see Tank getting some love with the anthem performance, and on TMZ, but that was all due to their favorite, Chris Breezy, not doing what most folks think he should, is that what he is supposed to do? Not sure… it was 9/11 and all, but to each their own, that’s what makes America great, right?

Anyways, check out Tank’s performance, and Chris’ too below.

TMZ also published another story about the celebrity game. Releasing a video, the site also reported on a verbal altercation between Breezy and a fan that became heated enough to require law enforcement interference.

Los Angeles radio station Power 106, the hosts of the celebrity game, said they are in support of Brown’s actions given that he was yelling at a fan who was in a part of the arena he wasn’t supposed to be in.

UPDATE: TMZ has now reported that the drama unfolded when venue security tried to remove Brown’s entourage, because they weren’t wearing the appropriate wristbands.

The argument escalated between venue security and Chris’ security. The folks at Power 106–who threw the event–say Breezy’s security told Chris they weren’t getting through to the other side so he stepped in. Chris got angry when venue security blew him off and disrespected him.

Venue security continued trying to remove Chris’ crew, and finally the Power 106 staff stepped in and set things straight. Chris’ crew was able to stay, and his team won the game.

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