‘Black Is King’- A Jubilant Expression Of Black Excellence


Beyoncé has blessed us again with the visual of “The Lion King: The Gift” in the movie “Black Is King” streaming now on Disney+. This compelling musical journey celebrates and examines our black history, while dropping a plethora of gems of knowledge. Akin to the original “Lion King,” “Black Is King” incorporates life challenges one might face not realizing the greatness, and the rich and illustrious heritage one comes from. “Brothers and sisters walk around with backpacks full of oppression.” Let that sink in for a minute. She has put her Bey stamp on it with reimagined imagery reflective of our times. This masterpiece is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and takes us all on a journey through the past up to present day.

She poignantly points out the disrespect to the black culture by some in the culture, and others by the level of disrespect, and lack of homage to the ancestors. This is a struggle that is faced but bears forth today, “the elders are tired.” The visual album reminds us that we are all kings and queens, and we must be respectful of our crowns and culture. “Don’t disrespect your crown. Don’t drop your crown to fit into the world.” We are all born for greatness, how you choose to channel and use your greatness, will determine the course of your life. Water is featured throughout the movie, and signifies life, hope, purity, and the ability to be reborn.

This astonishing revival of a spirituality musical repertoire brought up a range of emotional self reflection, understanding, and self love. In my opinion, one of the most powerful moments in the movie displays a young woman walking into a ballroom of paused debutantes for the song “Brown Skin Girl.” The scene really showed confidence, while she stood firm in her beauty. “We were a beauty before they knew what beauty was,” speaks volumes.The amount of beautiful sisterhood showcased is very invigorating and empowering. It confirms, we are a true force when we come together and honor each other.
“Black Is King” surpassed my expectations, and is nothing short of extraordinary. This is art that must be viewed multiple times to truly get the full knowledge we are all meant to gain.

“ It would be a much better world for all of us, if kings and queens realized that being equal sharing spaces, sharing ideals, sharing values, sharing strengths, sharing weakness, balancing each other out. That is the way in which our ancestors did things, and that is an African way the royalty in you, is there for you to be a blessing to others , for you to leave a legacy that others can look to and find hope and find strength find healing as well.“

I could go on and on, but i’ll leave you with this food for thought. Knowing one’s history and where one comes from, provides for a sense of belonging. Ownership to greatness permits one to walk off in victory and independence. While leaving all the negativity in the rear view mirror, for absolute sense of self-worth.

Listen to “The Lion King: The Gift” again below, and be sure to gift yourself  Disney+ to watch “Black Is King” to unleash the power within.


1 Comment
  1. Roadsinger 5 years ago

    Beyoncé has once again shared her brilliance with the World “Black is King “ every song and scene is impeccable!
    And This is RNB is covering it all !!!!

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