Netflix is at work on an original animated series for kids based on the famed Jobete catalog of Motown...
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Many of music’s biggest artists have participated in Mic’s new campaign “23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You...
BIG CONGRATS to Ciara and Russell Wilson. The singer/model and Seattle Seahawks quarterback tied the knot in England today...
The amazing Janelle Monáe was one of many stars showing up to pay homage to Prince at the BET...
The Council of Fashion Designers of America Awards (otherwise known as the Academy Awards of the fashion world) took...
On December 4, RCA Records/40 Acres And A Mule will release CHI-RAQ – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, from...
Toronto producer and OVO Sound affiliate Nineteen85 is best known as the force behind Drake’s “Hold On, We’re Going...
Tyrese is on a mission, not just to sell records, but to try and shift today’s habits and culture,...
Preach! Tyrese is out here talking that ish! Tyrese has finally delivered his anticipated new album Black Rose, reportedly...
Tyrese isn’t playing any games with what he has called his last solo album. The project titled “Black Rose”...
Previously mysterious duo Louis York are ready to make sure everyone knows the faces behind the name and buzz-worthy...
Alicia Keys is one talented woman and philanthropist, and this month, she’ll be recognized for all of her efforts.